October Sheffield R Meetup: Git, GitHub, and Shiny apps


October 27, 2015

This month we will be taking a look at integrating git and github use with R. Git is a great tool to help you manage your code using version control - helping avoid that annoying situation where you have 8 different pieces of code and can’t remember which one you should be using! Github then allows you to share your code and documentation, which can be a great way to disseminate your work and help others to reproduce it (as per the philosophy of open science). We also plan on using it in the upcoming Biodiversity hack event! Feel free to bring your laptops along if you want to dabble as we go!

Also, Anna Krystalli is going to demonstrate a great example of a Shiny app which she has built, allowing easy visualisation and tabulation of data from a large database of bird species.

Finally - for those of you interested in participating in the Biodiversity hack early next year, we would be really happy if you could fill in this very short survey. This info will help us to plan when and how the event will be structured - this doesn’t commit you to attending.

Material from the Git workshop is available on GitHub: {% include icon-github.html username=“mathew-hall” %} / SheffieldR. During the session, some attendees made their own pull requests to our workshop repository. Code for Anna’s Shiny app is available on her GitHub page at {% include icon-github.html username=“annakrystalli” %} / birds.