December Sheffield R Meetup: Dan Olner, James Waterhouse and Darrell Taylor


November 16, 2016

This month we’ll be learning about R’s capabilities for wrangling and handling spatial data and how Sky Betting and Gaming does data science.

Dan Olner from the Sheffield Methods Institute will be sharing his experience from some recent work on spatial analysis:

Doing spatial stuff with R: the magic and the messiness (with an example applying it to windfarm/house-price interaction)

R has grown into an amazing tool for wrangling and analysing spatial data. It can do some awesome things with borderline magical ease. I’ll cover some of the introductory essentials to doing spatial stuff before looking at a project using R (and other tools including QGIS) that analysed the price impact of wind turbines on house prices in Scotland. (Spoiler: couldn’t find anything significant; see link below.) This project’s story is more about the real-world messiness of getting R spatial analysis to do what you want it to.

We will also be joined by James Waterhouse (Head of Data Science) and Darrell Taylor (Principal Data Engineer) from Sky Betting and Gaming who will talk about Data Juggling at SkyBet: A brief look inside the data science toolbox at Sky Betting and Gaming.

We look forward to seeing you at the Red Deer on 6 December! Location details are on our meetup event.

The SheffieldR team