September Sheffield R Meetup: Object oriented systems in R + The Reproducible Thesis w/ Bookdown


September 5, 2017

Welcome back to a new season of R user group meetups

We’ve got an exciting pair of talks for you this month!

First up, Chris Hopkinson, self-described Data Lover, will be talking us through Object oriented systems in R:

“Object Oriented programming is commonplace in many languages. It is a useful way to organise code. R has some special flavours of Object Oriented programming. Understanding these will help you understand R better and write better software.”

Then, we have Phil Mike Jones, a geographer about to complete his PhD in computational human geography + a research associate at the Centre for Criminological Research at the School of Law,who will be discussing his journey in writing a Reproducible Thesis with Bookdown.

“My PhD thesis is completely reproducible (except a few items that cannot be downloaded without website credentials) and this has saved me no end of headaches now I’m preparing to submit. Supervisor (or boss) asked for some changes? No problem: change the data, run the code, and sit back as all figures and calculations are automatically updated. I probably don’t need to remind you that reproducibility is also the hallmark of the scientific method.

In this session, I’ll share some tips that I discovered along the way and hopefully, at least some will be helpful for your projects. A completely reproducible project might not be possible or practical for you, but reproducibility is a scale so all projects could benefit from at least some of this advice.”

Hope to see you there.

The SheffieldR team